Choosing the Best Clothing for Working Out on Your Elliptical

When dressing for your workout on your elliptical you want to choose clothes that allow you to move comfortably.

Workout Wear

Exercising on an elliptical machine places your body into a position similar to that of running and includes moving your arms. So wearing clothes that are non restrictive is important.

Appropriate Footwear

As your workout intensifies you will be close to running so you need to wear a good pair of athletic shoes. You can choose from a high-quality pair of walking shoes, running shoes or a cross trainer shoe.

You should wear socks which will absorb and wick away sweat. Socks come in different degrees of thickness and this is pretty much a personal choice. Choose a thickness that feels comfortable in your shoe without restricting movement.

Workout Pants and Shirts

You can wear shorts or workout pants when using your elliptical. Your main concern here is that the material absorbs sweat and wicks it away from your body. If you choose pants or leggings be sure that they are not too long. You don’t want them hanging over your shoes, this could lead to your tripping or stumbling while working out.

When it comes to a shirt or top choose a short sleeve shirt or tank top. The majority of elliptical machines have moveable handles so you need to easily move your arms back and forth. Choosing a moisture wicking fabric will keep you dry.

For women, you may want to wear a bra that offers a bit more support. Even though exercising on your elliptical isn’t considered high impact you will need more support than normal. A good support sports bra would be a wise investment.

Clothing Tips

Remember working out is hot work, so you want to wear clothing that is light and comfortable at the same time. When selecting a top choose one that is neither too tight nor too loose. A tight fitting garment can restrict your movements and could possibly pinch you around the underarm area. This would be a huge distraction when you are attempting to exercise.

WickingAvoid buying workout clothing made from 100% cotton. Cotton will absorb your sweat and become heavy and wet, making you feel totally uncomfortable.

Look for clothing that is labelled as athletic wear and ones that contain spandex. The spandex will help your clothing retain its size after washing.

The same goes for choosing fitness socks, avoid 100% cotton socks. Instead go for a blended material, or for socks that say they wick moisture away from your feet. This type of material will reduce the risk of you developing blisters. You may prefer fitness socks which have a small amount of padding for the ball of your foot.
Finally if you are going to be working out every day choose exercise clothing that is easy to wash and quick to dry! Don’t let wet clothes become an excuse for not working out on your elliptical.

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