No Time for Workouts
Incorporating Strength Training into Your Treadmill Routine
Revolutionize your treadmill workouts by incorporating strength training and cardio exercises on the treadmill.
Micro Workouts: Anytime, Anywhere Fitness in a Flash
By incorporating short bursts of activity into your day, you can reap the benefits of regular exercise without disrupting your schedule.
Save Time Getting Ready for Your Workouts
Rather than letting your prep time cut into your workout time, here are some ways to cut down on the time spent preparing for your workout altogether.
How to Structure a Bodyweight Training Program
Creating a bodyweight training program is not as difficult as most people think. The most important point to remember when creating a plan is to know what your end goal is.
The Basic Principles of Bodyweight Training
Follow the principles listed here and you’ll get the best out of your bodyweight workouts. It’s important to get the basics right.
How Can I Lose Weight If I Don’t Have Time to Exercise?
The key to losing weight “without exercise” is to fit the exercise into your current activities. Even if your schedule is packed full, there is surely a way to be more active doing what you already do
Does Taking the Stairs Vs. The Elevator Really Make Much Difference?
One of the most widely shared ways to live a more active lifestyle is to take the stairs whenever you have the option to, but is it really an effective way to burn calories?
How to Speed Up Recovery After Intense Workouts
While moderate muscle soreness can feel incredibly gratifying after a good workout, too much can leave you feeling stiff. Luckily, there are many things you can do to help speed your recovery following a hard workout.
Is 15 Minutes of HIIT Enough?
As a mega calorie burner, HIIT allows you to burn the most amount of calories in the least amount of time, which is one reason why it’s considered the best workout for busy people.
4 Strength Training Exercises That Are Easy to Do at Home
Even if you don’t have weights at home, you can do strength training exercises by using the weight and resistance of your own body.